
Corporate foundations and foundries

11 March 2021|

Corporate foundations are a way for foundries to boost the economic value along with social and environmental impact on the local area. Over the last few months, a positive phenomenon has taken root in Italy: [...]

Fonderia di Castenedolo and Assofond

11 March 2021|

Fonderia di Castenedolo is member of Assofond, the Italian Association of Foundries, the entrepreneurial trade organization that adheres to Confindustria, with more than 1.000 companies and almost 30.000 workers and it’s founder member of the [...]

Follow us on Facebook and Linkedin

23 February 2021|

Our company pages on Facebook and Linkedin have been active for a few days. It is the easiest and fastest way to stay updated on the news of the Fonderia di Castenedolo and on the [...]

Our new website is online

23 February 2021|

The new portal of Fonderia di Castenedolo is on the web: It fully mirrors our company values.Created with a simple graphic design, it’s the ideal tool to keep us in touch with you, to [...]


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